          Delivery has failed Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists: The recipient's mailbox is full and can't accept messages now. Microsoft Exchange will not try to redeliver this message for you. Please try resending this message later, or contact the recipient directly. Re: Update From Senator John CornynSaturday, September 26, 2009 12:49 AM From: "kueiying lin" Add sender to ContactsTo: 2100046961.1100708.1 房屋買賣69@enews.senate.govCc: This is why you need to tell your Texas law makers to stop collecting property tax from Residents, replaced with Property sales tax and household title fee, to spare your Texas from eaten by evilest government office. Government office has no right appraisal we the people's house value as the so called market val 找房子ue, because our house is not for sale, government can only have the right to charge sales tax when we sold out our house, government may charge flat title fee (Your public tax office must have no right to decide the figure of the fee, even small like toll road or big like property sales, all fee must have to be checked investigated debated on your law makers representatives body floor. Any tax of 好房網fice ever charged any fee from you the people without approved by your law makers representatives body first, that tax office linked all supervisors must be killed immediately. That how the Harris County Appraisal office all workers must be killed immediately, because they obviously committed the heartless crime to charge we the people property tax figure without approved by people's representatives body first.)ann 帛琉ually like our car license renewal fee in order to have the mean and way to guard the house owner title right; Government may charge the house sales tax very high so that the house owner can pay that sales tax like property tax, the difference is sales tax is the house owner owe that Government, property tax is the crime that government abused the public power to slave the house owner no way to cry out. Your Texas government committed 面膜 the worst abusive crime to force the home owner to pay the property tax, you cannot have the heart to correct your own home State's crime, you have no right to have a say to your sucking abusive President Obama's crime. I saw your sucking Texas Constitutional Amendment Election November 3, 2009 propositions writing, that sucking writing even worse than this second class American Kuei Ying Lin's poor English, how could you have the shame to bl 商務中心ame your sucking President Obama while your own Texas can have this shameless to hire sucker like that to eat your public fund. Your State of Texas has no way to buy US military with tax money like that proposition 1 indicated; you want to feed your US military by the State of Texas alone, you need to form the communist State of Texas farmers, so that every man in the State of Texas must have to work under Farmers order or must be the member of military, the Farmers formed Communis 小型辦公室t feed the Military food and clothing, the military can have gifted and talent team to offer farmers tools and machinery. Money cannot solve the problem, money can only worsen the problem. Because money cannot buy good integrity people, can only draw more evil doers to eat your pie. --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ If you indeed want to save your USA, you need to kill every female in your nation that ever seated in your publ 辦公室出租ic office. The only way you can do better to make up both MouJerDong and "5.Jer.Ten" failed done in China ("5.Jer.Ten" failed to kill all female who ever knew public office affair along with her consequence China Dynasty gone. Chinese can still exist in this world, because they are the lowest level of race, they did not ever like USA to act like they are the leader of free world. Your sucking USA acting like you are the boss even you already no way to hide your shameless lie, that crime too heavy to forgive, like C 房地產hinese said "Jway.Quit.Whore.Shore. Shock.5.Sir".). "5.Jer.Ten" did order her General to kill herself and all female that ever worked and knew public office affairs, but she made mistake to order her General to kill herself first, had she chosen starved to die, and order all female ever knew public office affairs to jailed nearby her to starve to die along with her or be killed, China would have had complete history now. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 永慶房屋  .

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